I have always had a deep desire to lead my clients to free themselves from the "known", for the time of a meal.

To feel the purity of the first emotions, like a child tasting for the very first time a dish. To free oneself from all that has been learned, codified, classified to make room for the power of this emotion, to let it blossom, to experience it in all its intensity.

Are you ready to explore your five senses?

As for any important step in life, there is THE moment.

The time has come for me to take this process to its conclusion by offering you a meal during which all your senses will be called upon to marvel and invite you to let go.
This meal has been imagined as a story that we will tell you by questioning your reference points and by leading you to explore your feelings.

As a starting point, the 4 elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air), at the origin of all life and the source of my inspiration. I rely on their original power to cook and stage creations that appeal to your five senses and reveal your emotions.

Be in the present moment, welcome your sensoriality,take full advantage of the moment, in full consciousness.

The beginnings of the experiment

The four elements in our restaurant.

Two rooms and two atmospheres to welcome you.
The first dedicated to Earth and Fire is revealed through a decoration of stone, wood and warm colors.
The second devoted to Water and Air offers a blue universe, still cozy thanks to the velvet and the soft rounded shapes of the furniture.
By choice, we drew from the talent and know-how of people we appreciate. They have imagined and created this decoration, in order to materialize the spaces that reflect my cuisine.

Les 4 éléments sont ici présents ; d’un côté, le feu et la terre à travers une décoration de pierre, bois et couleurs chaudes. De l’autre, un univers bleu mais douillet grâce au velours et aux douces formes rondes du mobilier, laissant l’air et l’eau s’exprimer.
Ces deux ambiances sont précieuses, et nous permettent de vous recevoir avec l’élégance et la sérénité d’une belle maison…